porcelain crowns main

Modern dentistry offers more options than ever to help you restore and maintain an optimal level of health. While the strength and beauty of materials continue to advance, the skill of the practitioner makes a significant difference. Our doctors use the latest techniques, bringing even the most damaged mouths back to full health.

Sometimes teeth are damaged because of cavities, heavy bite forces, or trauma. If a root canal is needed to salvage a compromised nerve, the tooth may be especially fragile. Dental crowns, or caps, allow these teeth to be rebuilt and covered with materials that mimic nature. Not only are most “capped” teeth indistinguishable from natural teeth, but they’re also extremely secure and comfortable.

Crowns can be crafted to repair a single tooth, multiple teeth (including the entire mouth), or in conjunction with dental implants to fill a space. In fact, when missing teeth enter the equation, special consideration might be given to placing a dental bridge or implants.


Once your case is planned, it will take about two appointments before you leave with a fully restored tooth. At the first visit, the teeth are gently prepared. Next, our doctors send your case to a specialized lab to create a dental masterpiece. A temporary crown allows you to function normally until the permanent crown arrives for placement. This typically takes 2-3 weeks.

After hours of custom craftwork in the lab, you’ll return for a second appointment. Our doctors will try-in and evaluate the appearance and fit of the crown before bonding it into place. Minor adjustments to your bite and a final polish leave you with one of the finest restorations in dentistry.

implant blog
‘‘As always I am so pleased with the staff and services Dr. Burnett has provided my family. Ms. Minter did an exceptional job examining and cleaning my 32 tightly spaced teeth. I actually look forward to my return visits.’’
Donna Maples


Crowns made of porcelain can endure anywhere from 5 to 15 years. The lifespan of a crown is determined by a variety of factors, including the amount of wear and tear imposed on the crown, a patient’s oral practices, and frequent dental check-ups.
Porcelain is stain-resistant which means that they will tend to stay white even when you enjoy your favorite drinks and foods. They’re beautiful! Porcelain crowns not only improve the function of the teeth, but they also perfect the patient’s smile.
A fractured porcelain crown is the result of one of two things — age or simple physics. While a porcelain crown is sturdy enough to last for at least a decade, even the best one can wear out eventually. That fracture you just spotted could be the result of plain ol’ wear and tear.


A healthy smile is a beautiful smile.